9/11 can now be deemed "Patriot Day."
The point of this post is not to in any way be associated with 9/11 except for the name. The term 'patriot' in general has become an issue with politicians on who is more 'patriotic.' Personally I think it's a silly argument. In addition, understand that I am not bashing the men and women who have died for the U.S. I do appreciate what they have done. I am only fighting against the 'patriot' terms.
While I am discovering what a "patriot" is, I am finding more and more that I don't always want to be considered a patriot. I am grateful to be American.
it can be...
a Jeep vehicle
the losers of super bowl XLII
a missile
or Mel Gibson and company
Mark Twain thinks it is
“the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.”
Voltaire (a French Writer) noted:
“It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind.”
One definition that I read for patriot was:
"One who loves his country, and zealously supports its authority and interests"
I completely understand why Americans want to be considered patriots. It's antonym is traitor. This continues my belief that "we the people" love the U.S. over the rest of our lives. This idea of Patriotism is a religion. To support the U.S. authority and interests zealously, passionately, fervently, and obsessively, I would give up my Christian interests.
I know that the idea of not being a patriot seems untactful, but really all you're going to call me is unpatriotic. That's fine.
Listen, when my country is not holding the standards of my God I can be unpatriotic.
I cannot see the patriot being able to serve his country and his God. Again, I am not bashing our troops. I am not even trying to bash the United States and I think that there are Patriots in the U.S. that fervently support the ideals of the U.S. However, Christians may I say.... How dare you back your country before your God!
i like your last sentence it reminds my of conversations with my parents which kinda sucked, and visit anderson.
Hey buddy! I feel that I should join in now. I just wanted to throw this out there David but I just read this from digg. http://digg.com/2008_us_elections/Palin_War_with_Russia_may_be_needed
She states in this article that the Iraq war was a "task from God." I know that you have been talking a lot about religion and politics. I just wanted to know your take on it.
Hey Carnes,
I did not know you had a blog. That is exciting, I have added your blog to my blog so I can regularly focus on what you say. Sounds intriguing, I am looking forward to debate.
Also, I have some blogs from some other people that you might know in my blog list. If you are interested, they have very good insights (e.g. B-row, and Schumerth)
Me gusta lo que dices y lo que tienes a decir, pero todavia no se si pienso lo mismo. Tambien se que hay algun cosas que veo differente porque mi mama vino de mexico y simpre me ha dicho a tener mucho orgullo en este pais. pero eso no quiere decir que ella sabe lo mejor. no se david, pero lo voy a leer otra ves.
te extrano mucho, y espero que todo esta bien.
Entiendo lo que dices. pero yo se que nuestra responsabilidad esta a nuestro dios. mi lealtad esta a el. mi orgullo se va para el. mi humildad se demuestra para el.
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