Thursday, October 30, 2008

pledge cont.

The following is an actual letter from G.W. Bush. I am not showing it to make fun of Bush or Republicans or anything like that. What I want to highlight is the common view of many Christians in the U.S. of the Pledge. Let me know what you think.

Dear Mitsuo Murashige and Associates:

Thank you for your letter regarding the Pledge of Allegiance. I appreciate hearing your views and concerns.

As citizens recite the Pledge of Allegiance, we help define our Nation. In one sentence, we affirm our form of government, our belief in human dignity, our unity as a people, and our reliance on God. During these challenging times, we are determined to stand for these words.

For more than two centuries, our flag has stood for a unified country. When we pledge allegiance to our flag, Americans feel a renewed respect and love for all it represents. We are thankful for our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are also grateful for our freedoms, which were protected by our Founding Fathers and defended by subsequent generations of brave Americans. When we pledge allegiance to One Nation under God, our citizens participate in an important American tradition of humbly seeking the wisdom and blessing of Divine Providence. Our Declaration of Independence proclaims that our Creator endowed us with inalienable rights, and our currency says, “In God We Trust.” May we always live by that same trust, and may the Almighty continue to watch over the United States of America.

Thank you again for writing, and best wishes.

George W. Bush

- George W. Bush, November 13th, 2002

you gotta have faith

This is a word that is tossed around a lot lately.

Have faith! Be faithful.
You gotta have faith (thanks George Michael)

Growing up I learned that faith is like believing in the wind. You can't see it but you just know it's there. I learned faith is what makes God real. I learned that without faith I won't go to heaven.

As I was reading Jesus for President, I discovered a new term of faith. Faith as it was used before Jesus was a 'term for trust in, allegiance to and hope in the Pax Romana. It had much to do with loyalty.' (Fides or loyalty). After Jesus it was a hope in but also allegiance to Jesus.

This is new for me. Faith redefined. I not only have to have faith in God but I have to hold an allegiance to him as well? However this is what James was getting at in 1.2 when he notes, 'you know you're under pressure, your faith-life (allegiance not wind) is forced into the open and shows its true colors.'
In 2.18 he says, "You have faith and I have works." Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

So it just got real for me. I mean it's been 'real' before but now that I hold an allegiance in God and not just see him as wind, I gained responsibility.

I leave you with some questions.

1. What do you think about this idea of pledging allegiance?

2. I know that we have a connotation of saluting the American flag while we give our Faith (allegiance) to this country, but what would happen if we quit putting the flag first?

3. What would happen if we quit getting pissed those kids in school who don't stand for the 'pledge of faith' and started to think about the words that spew from our mouths?

4. What would happen if we quit worrying about the stupid phrase "under God" in the pledge and started pledging to serve "under God?"

Answer me!

also check out the pledge to the Bible and Christian Flag and tell me what you think